Coypot.com is the sixth startup from @ronatory in the 24 Startup in 24 Months challenge.
Coypot.com is all about the highest paid minimum salary remote jobs. The higher your minimum salary, the higher the job post gets ranked in the landing page. Also the higher the lowest minimum salary remote job of your company, the higher your company gets ranked in the remote companies list. Why are we doing this? The idea came up after reading this Hacker News post Tell HN: You can't hire because you don't post salary ranges and especially this comment of the user zinckiwi I like that. "If you get an offer, it won't be lower than X." In the best case, this encourages companies to increase their minimum salaries for potential job applicants. So this is the story of Coypot.com. Why the name Coypot? Because the domain was free and it sounds like a new Google, Facebook, Spotify, etc... 😄

No payment is integrated so far. I could add payment options to let a job post or company be featured on top of the list, but I will save that for the future. For now posting is completely FREE. Coypot will serve right now to support following partner sites:
A company can save up to $946 for now with the following (see the screenshot below, since I'm right now too lazy to write):

Tech Stack Notes:
-Digital Ocean for hosting everything
-RedwoodJS for frontend and backend
-GraphQL for querying and mutating data
-Tailwind.css + Tailwind UI for styling
-Github for code repository and deployment
If you like Coypot.com, you can upvote it via Product Hunt 🚀
Also check out the sixth startup from @sonnypgs.
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