SoundChannels.io is the eighth startup from @ronatory in the 24 Startup in 24 Months challenge.
SoundChannels.io lists all kind of SoundCloud Channels which offer services to boost you as an artist or group of artists. You can easily search and filter for your preferred services. Either you are searching for a premiere of your track, submitting a guest mix for a podcast, requesting a repost via a high quality channel or any other kind of service, you will find it all on SoundChannels.io for your specific music genre.
As a Channel which offers services you can start creating a free SoundChannel and list up to three services.
To reach even more listeners and artists as a Channel, you can check out one of the paid plans with additional features on the Features & Pricing page.
It's the first startup to have a solution to a problem I had while searching for new SoundCloud Channels to submit a DJ Guest Mix. I realized that many channels have Google Docs form links in their profiles or just link to their own websites for their services, but there was no easy way to search and filter for all kind of Channels & Services via one Website. So thats how SoundChannels.io was born.
Development time in total was around 1 1/2 months this time. I had the idea on September 29, 2022 11:48AM (or this was the first time I tracked the idea in my notion notes...) and started writing the first lines of code mid october.

The landing page has a search bar which searches for titles of channels and services and below that you have a filter. You can filter by type (all, channels, services), verified (if you only want verified channels and services), up to 5 tags, genre, service pricing (all, free, paid) and service type (all, guest mix, premiere, repost, other). At the end you can reset all your filters with clicking on the "Reset Filter" button.

If you visit the page via a mobile device, the filters are accessible via one "Show Filter" button. The Type filter is still directly accessible to filter fast only for channels, services or both of them.

Here the filter page after clicking on the "Show filter" button

Further below on the landing page you will see a grid of channels which have attached at least one service

On clicking on a channel tile you you can access the channel detail page which shows all the tags of the channel with the channel description and all the services the channel listed there.

By clicking on a service tile in the landing page or via clicking on the title of a service in the channel detail page you can access the service detail page. You can access the service by clicking on the "Get Service" button or if the channel provided an email, then directly message them via email.

Different pricing plans are available for the users:
- Free

The Free plan will always be free to give channels a chance to be searchable via SoundChannels.io and reach it's specific artist group. You can add up to 3 services and up to 3 tags. You will find an example of how a free SoundChannel looks like here https://soundchannels.io/channel-example/free
ESSENTIAL (14 days trial. Unsubscribe anytime)
In the ESSENTIAL plan you can add up to 5 services and up. to 5 tags. You will be higher ranked in the search results compared to free SoundChannels. Also you can format you Channel description and also your Service description. For example you can add clickable links to your description which isn't supported in the Free plan. You will find an example of how a free SoundChannel looks like here https://soundchannels.io/channel-example/essential
PRO (14 days trial. Unsubscribe anytime)
In the PRO plan you will have additionally to all the features in the ESSENTIAL plan a PRO Badge to get easier recognized in the search results and you are also eligible for a verified channel. See also How does my channel get verified? You will find an example of how a free SoundChannel looks like here https://soundchannels.io/channel-example/pro
PREMIUM (14 days trial. Unsubscribe anytime)
In the PREMIUM plan you will have a PREMIUM Badge to get easier recognized and you will be higher ranked in the search results compared to all the other plans. Additionally you can add up to 5 contact / social media links to you channel, a "Visit SoundCloud Profile" link will be added to your SoundChannel detail page and a "Visit SoundChannel" will be added to each of your service detail pages. Also your channel image will appear in the service detail page. Last you will get priority support if you have an issue. You will find an example of how a free SoundChannel looks like here https://soundchannels.io/channel-example/premium
On each paid plan you will have a 14 days trial after you subscribe, you can upgrade and downgrade during this time as much as you want to try out the different plans and find out which one fits best to you. If you cancel a plan during this time you won't have these 14 days trial again afterwards.
It's also the first time I used a help center which is https://www.customerly.io/. You can check out the SoundChannels.io Help Center Page here. You can setup easy and fast a faq for the most common questions and answers.
Takeaways this time:
- If you're your own user it's more difficult to stop the development, because you encounter another feature you can implement and another one and another one and so on.... So you need to accept at some point that you need real user feedback away from your bubble... and just release with minimal functionality...
- It's important to do some research first before thinking deeper about step 2, step 3 and so on... if you don't have the experience with something. In this case I first wanted to try out using the API from SoundCloud, but I found out that that they since longer time not giving access anymore to the API... I already thought about steps regarding what to do with the data, but this wasn't needed anymore after I found out that you can't use the API

- I've spend a lot time working with the Stripe API on whats best for my case to handle upgrading/downgrading in combination with a trial period for a subscription plan. And in the end I managed to find a satisfying solution for myself. This time I've spent I will save for one of the next startups. Looking forward to what will come 😊
- In combination with the pricing plan I need to differentiate what each plan can have more. That was also not easy but also here I trained the muscle for the next startup
- I wrote earlier that I've used https://www.customerly.io/ for a FAQ. First I thought that I will write the help center tool myself, but then to save time I just used https://www.customerly.io/ and I'm satisfied with it. So next time I have directly this tool available.
Tech Stack Notes:
-Digital Ocean for hosting everything
-Stripe for payment
-ElasticEmail to support email notifications
-RedwoodJS for frontend and backend
-GraphQL for querying and mutating data
-Tailwind.css + Tailwind UI for styling
-Github for code repository and deployment
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