Tweetwall.io is the fourth startup from @ronatory in the 24 Startup in 24 Months challenge.
You will be able to add 9 Tweets of your choice via Tweetwall.io and create a Tweetwall which you can embed via few lines of code into your personal website or business website to gain more trust of your users.
For this startup I used RedwoodJS, because I was interested if it can help me to create something faster than the previous stack I used (Next.js for the Frontend + Nest.js for the Backend). So far the conclusion is that the learning progress was really fast and development was also really fast since I didn't need to switch between two repositories.
Tech Stack Notes:
-Digital Ocean for hosting everything
-RedwoodJS for frontend and backend
-Graphql for querying data
-PostgreSQL as database
-Tailwind.css + Tailwind UI for styling
-Stripe for payment
-Github for code repository and deployment
If you like Tweetwall.io, you can upvote it via Product Hunt 🚀
Also check out the fourth startup from @sonnypgs.
The next startups will be released at the end of May or beginning of June. If you want to be part of that journey then just subscribe below and get updates via email.
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